Below you find our pre-defined tasks. All tasks is performed by vetted experts pre negotiated, pre structured and no surprises.
Why WirelessWorkforces
  • Specialists who perform each task
  • Pay only per completed task 
  • Free advice and planning
  • Scale up or down as needed
  • Increased quality
  • Simple budgeting
  • No prior knowledge is required for ordering
  • Cost effective 
What is:
Effective development
Web development, mobile development and software development are all three areas that require both a large continuous need and an overall strategic unit in order to get the maximum return per invested krona in the form of personnel costs.

One of the few alternatives to this has long been consulting companies, which certainly often have both high quality and quality control, but where the charged consulting hours must cover non-chargeable hours, expensive premises and an administrative organization. The agreements are often written per hour.

It is absurd with a billing model where slower completion of a project is rewarded with higher billing. At Wireless Workforces you pay per completed task and per completed project

Let us help
We think we could help you. If you want to get an idea of how and what it would mean, we are happy to tell you about it. Just fill in the info below: